Sunday, June 28, 2009

Two New Awards!!!!!!!!

I've been given another wonderful, lovely award! Actually two!!

These came from Vania who has some of the most lovely, whimsical art I've seen! You must go see are original, creative art!!

This is what she had on her blog and I couldn't agree more. So I hope all my special friends and those take the time to follow my blog will pass this on to their own blog!!

Well ladies, as I am so very short of time these days (still busy busy busy) - I would like to offer up these two awards to any one of you who is following me - I always have a very hard time picking Bloggers for these awards and now wish, basically, all
of you to come along and grab your own award - the fact that I am following
you means that I admire your artwork, your jewelery, your card making, your
quilting etc - to me you are all very talented artists in your own right and I
am so very happy to have your friendship!!! Therefore, you all deserve this
award. All the very best to all my buddies on Blogger-land! Cheers and
take care, Val xoxox

It is such an honor to share with all the wonderful artists I have met here! Namaste ~ Sherry

Etsy Ad


Friday, June 26, 2009


Okay it is entirely too hot for this time of year!! Tomorrow it is forecast to be 101 degrees. It's only June, what is July going to be like? So I was curious are other people in different states having unusual weather for June?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


When we arrived home from our trip to Eureka, I had several treats waiting by my door! More fun!!

The first was a Print by Carol Ochs that I just adore!
Also if you haven't tried Carol's homemade soaps you should really give yourself a treat and try some, they smell heavenly and make your skin oh so soft!!

Then I opened my lovely Halloween Cards I bought from Cindy of HalloweenSpirit known as The Shabby Hag

And then my wonderful gift that I won from Jeanne of Wildwood
Studio Arts
through her Giveaway!!! Aren't they adorable???

Our Birthday Trip To Eureka


We treated ourselves to a day and night to visit our favorite place Eureka
Springs! A lovely summer getaway to see lots of art and beautiful scenery,
we came back with all kinds of new ideas!! We had a wonderful time!
The wall of art is currently a very controversial subject in Eureka because of a
few paintings! The subject was Icons and it seems a few were too provocative for
the town officials! Especially the breast-feeding Virgin Mary!!
Click Here to read all about it.
Which brings up the topic. Should art shown in the public be censored??

Wednesday, June 10, 2009




Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Byrum Gardens

To see a video of our yard and the beginning of the season be sure and check out our Byrum Gardens Blog. It is early in the season, its going to be its prettiest around September. We will post another video at the end of the summer! Hope you enjoy visiting our world! And please don't laugh too hard, I do sound like a Arkansas Hillbilly with a Texas twang! LOL

Jeanne of WildWoodsArtStuio is having a Give Away!!!


Jeanne of WildWoodsArtStuio is having a Give Away!!!
Wander on over there to see the prizes and some really cool entries on cemeteries!! Spooky Kewl!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Burning Bright Award


This is what she says about the award: "You can never extinguish the Light that Shines Brightly within all of us. If there is Hope, there is Light, if there is a Dream, that same Light will lead the way, and this Award I created this evening reflects that Creative Spark, that Light we all hold within us, but there are certain people who come to mind that Shine So Brightly that you can't help notice the Warmth that illuminates in all they do, and in what they represent and just who they are:"

This one brought tears to my eyes, to be called an "Angel Friend" is the highest of compliments! I am not sure I am worthy of such a description, but I humbly accept this offering from Jennifer's beautiful, creative heart. I follow the light Jennifer creates every day. I would like to pass it on to:

Heather of Witch Hollow Primitives ~ I know Jenn also gave this to Heather but Heather has become a very dear friend to me and she inspires me every day and I feel sometimes as if we are walking hand in hand holding a candle to light our way because for some reason she has been brought into my life to help me heal! Her loyalty is what stands out to me and her absolute love of art and her children.

Sarah Sullivan of Cottage Garden Studios ~ Her joy is contagious, she is light hearted and her talent seems to come from a place of whimisical joy and creativity. She is also a dear friend whom inspires me!

Lisa Lectura whose art reflects spirituality in every painting she paints! Although we are not close friends I watch her blog and she is a spiritual inspiration to anyone who views her blog!

And last but not least my husband Ron Byrum who is my light! He has believed in me, encouraged me, stood by me and supporting my artistic and spiritual development with every fiber of his being. For his presence in my life I am deeply grateful! Ron is just learning to blog so be patient with him, he is catching on to the Award giving and will be creating his own special award soon!

Friday, June 5, 2009

More Awards ~ I Am Truly Blessed!!

Sarah has graced my blog with yet another award!

This award was developed by Tessa in honor of Dr Maithri Goonetilleke's birthday. Tessa was inspired by the way Dr Goonetileke reaches out to others and, with his humanity as her guide, she created this award "to acknowledge the depth and breadth of the warm open-heartedness from bloggers all over the world who reach out and touch their readers with their words." Tessa goes on to quote Dr Goonetilleke: "It has been my experience that whenever one human being reaches out to another in compassion, a bridge is built. A bridge which leads out of despair, into the light of hope and the possibility that tomorrow will hold a few less tears than yesterday."

To me those words by Dr. Goonetilleke is what a friend is. Someone who cares about your journey here on earth. I am honored Sarah thinks so much of me that she would pass this award on to me. I hope I inspire people and above all I hope I display compassion and just a little light to help someone find their way to all they can be. We are all gifted and talented, we just have to find our own gift and then share it with the world. Having friends a long the way that help you on your journey is a blessing of this wonderful Universe we live and love in! Thank you Sarah, I am honored!!

This Award is Extra Special to me because it is created by Sarah and given to me by Sarah! (I'm starting to think Sarah is my greatest fan!) Sarah this award I graciously accept. It shows the talent you possess that is deep inside you just bursting at the seams to come out! Your imagination is simply amazing and I have watched Ron's talent over the years and have every piece of paper, little scrap he scribbled on. His talent has developed over many years but the one thing that always stood out to me about his work was his wonderful imagination and his attention to every little detail. That is what I see in your art as well! Keep drawing, keep drawing, for you have an endless reservoir of talent waiting for you to discover and share with all of us!

Sarah's description of what this award means: "The Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award is given to two amazing groups of bloggers;
1. To Bloggers who encourage and nurture others bloggers to explore and grow in their creative, spiritual or mental lives.
2. To Bloggers who are blooming and growing creatively, spiritually or mentally in their ives & sharing it on their blogs .

I would like to pass both of these awards to:

Heather who has become a joy in my life with her loyal friendship. She is constantly encouraging, assisting and promoting other artists. She has her own unique creative talent that takes us all back in time with her Primitive creations! She is multi talented, painting, sewing, etc. She inspires me to try different things!

Jennifer who is the creator of a Social Network that has touched hundreds of people's lifes by creating a safe place for us all to go and share our spiritual sides as well as our creative sides. Her blog "DreamLife Stuiods" inspires me in so many ways as well as her blog "Barefoot in the Sand".

Carol Ochs who is a very talented artist and shares from the heart on any topic you might want to talk about! She inspired me with her beautiful web sites long before I had the privilege of getting to know her personally! Thanks for all the great conversations over at the Hat Carol and for sharing your beautiful talent with us all!

Thank you Sarah. I am so glad we met, you are an inspiration to me, your joy for life makes me joyful and I truly love your art!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Newest Listings on Ebay

Byrum Art's Newest Listings ~ Beautiful, Sexy Witch Flying on Broom A whimisical and fun sign "Flying Lessons" And yes that is a flying Pink Elephant! LOL Ron painted this as an entry for the Ebay Group BWBA June Art Challenge! To see on Ebay click here!!